Location Map
Address :
10, Alexandras Ave., 10682, Athens, Greece
Tel. : 0030 210 8894500
        0030 210 8832711
Fax : 0030 210 8238420
e-mail : [email protected]
Location : Conveniently located close to the city center, next to the National Archaeological Museum and opposite the second largest Garden Park of Athens
Please click to enlarge map please click to enlarge map
Major Distances
From Distance in Km Time * Via
Athens International Airport 35 45 min Taxi
City Center 1 10 min On foot
Piraeus Port 8 15 min Taxi
Larissa Train Station 1 5 min Taxi
Bus Station

Outside the hotel

Victoria Tube Station 0,5 5 min On foot
National Motorway 1 5 min Taxi
Shopping Center 0,5 5 min On foot
Acropolis 1,5 5 min Taxi
Plaka 1,5 5 min Taxi
Byzantine Museum 1 3 min Taxi
National Archaeological Museum 0,3 2 min On foot
Garden Park 'Pedion Areos' 0,2 1 min On foot
                                                                                                * depending on the traffic
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